Embracing joyful success

Belief is the key

You may have heard the phrase, “Thoughts are things”. Everything we can see, hold, touch, started out as a thought in someone’s mind. If you add belief that a thing can be made real from your thoughts then it immediately begins the process of that thing becoming a reality. Belief combined with consistent action is what has brought forth everything mankind has ever discovered or created.

Success is natural

All living creatures have the built-in drive to become more. When conditions are good amoeba and bacteria become more in number; mammals, birds, fish, and even insects become more by being bigger, faster, or more intelligent. Its an innate desire that is built into the life on this planet and that includes us humans too.

We all have something to offer

We may have met those who believe that the older people in our society know only of past times and their thoughts have little relevance in the here and now. Its a fundamental truth that while some things change quickly, others (like successful living), hardly change at all over thousands of years. Old, or young, we are all different by virtue of the environments we grew up in and how we interacted with it. This individual journey means that we all have individual talents, skills, and even faults that give us room to grow in different ways.

Some of the keys to thriving joyfully

The first key is just to make a start. Take a piece of paper and write down what you like and don’t like at this present point in time. Choose something (or several things) from your list and use it as a basis for what to do next. Doing something (even if you learn later that you were wrong) is better than being paralysed by indecision and doubt because you will become better by learning as you move forward. The final key is intention: You may have to start by doing things that are not inline with what you wanted; but if your intention can remain fixed on being imbued with a joyful spirit then you will feel those hindrances as enjoyable stepping stones to where you’re headed.

Some tips on how to put a plan together

Plans and goals have gained a bad rap because of those success guru’s that insist you go after your goals ruthlessly. There is no doubt you will be tested along the way and you will need a strong spirit to weather the stormy times but in my mind there is no justification for not having a joyful heart and compassion for others along the way.

Not having a plan is akin to a ship without a rudder; if it leaves the harbour at all, it is highly unlikely to get to its destination. By having a clear plan (written down) you become the captain of the ship. Your plan can be subdivided into minor goals (like a ship stopping off to pick up supplies/ drop off passengers) but the major goal (your destination) remains fixed. As the captain, there are regrettable instances where the decision to ‘abandon ship’ becomes the only sensible option; no captain ever does this lightly. Many journeys may find that there are unplanned diversions (like the ship that encounters a storm) but the goal is always to get back on course and get to the end point. The message here is: You don’t give up unless its completely foolish not to.

Thinking positively

There has been a lot written on this subject and some of it more than a little dubious. Thinking positively means holding an idea in mind and believing it is possible to make it real. Thinking positively does not mean ignoring negative facts to the detriment of yourself and those around you. By keeping positive about what you intend to achieve you will stave off the doubts from those people that simply don’t have your insight to a successful and joyful outcome. By staying positive in this way you can focus on resolving any issues that arise and not get side-tracked by unhelpful negativity (from yourself or others). For sure, there will be times when all seems lost but by staying positive and looking for other methods to achieve your success you can overcome what may at first appear insurmountable. An example of creative thinking is the N.L.P. (Neurolinguistic Programming) technique of re-framing an interaction. Re-framing can be described like this: “If you cannot win as the character on the stage you are on then switch your character to another stage where you can”.

What will your success look like?

If you could project to a time 5yrs from now; what would your life look like? What worthwhile experiences will you have gained? How did you get there? The answer to these questions (and others like them) will help you with planning your journey through a life of success and joy.